CVOR Safety Inspections by MTO officers or other trained officers are performed according to CVSA standards. CVSA standards to tell an officer at what point a vehicle should be placed out of service.
This means that when a CVOR safety inspection is done and a defect or problem on a commercial motor vehicle reaches a certain level of specification, the vehicle must be removed from the roadways and cannot be released until the defect is repaired.
The drivers of a commercial motor vehicle can also be placed out of service for problems relating to Log Book infractions or licensing issues when inspected by a police officer or officer of the Ministry of Transportation.
When you call OTT Legal, you will speak with former police officers and licensed paralegals – a team with actual experience with CVOR Safety Inspections.
Inspections and “out of service inspections” can generate CVOR points against a carrier’s CVOR record and will also show on the CVOR abstract.
When a commercial vehicle or driver is placed out of service for an alleged violation, CVOR points are assigned against the carrier’s record for each out of service condition.
For example, if the driver is placed out of service for a log book infraction, as well as a mechanical defect, the carrier’s record is assigned two (2) CVOR points and the out of service conditions will also show on the driver’s CVOR abstract.
There is no process in place to contest points assigned to a carrier’s record as a result of vehicles or a driver being placed out of service.
In other words, if a driver is placed out of service for being over his or her allowable driving time, and it is later discovered that the driver was in fact in compliance, and that the MTO officer or police officer had been mistaken, the points assigned for the out of service will remain on the carrier’s record.
OTT Legal fights CVOR traffic tickets and works with you to keep your violation rate clear with the Ministry of Transportation. On our staff, we have former officers and paralegals who have years of experience in Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement.