If you have been charged with driving while suspension and have a previous conviction, then you need to call OTT Legal and get legal advice.
The court is going to consider sending the driver to jail and you need to be professionally represented.
Facing a second conviction for drive suspended you need someone to ensure the prosecutor can prove the charge.
Where they are able to prove the charge you need to do have someone who has experience knowing what to say to the justice to avoid being sent to jail.
At traffic court we know:
- technicalities that win driving while under suspension charges.
- how to speak to the prosecutors and Justice of the Peace.
- how to explain your situation to the court.
- how to get your drivers licence reinstated.
- how to keep you out of jail.
Many courts are not punitive in nature, and do not want to send you to jail. The courts and prosecution are looking to see that you have corrected the situation that lead to your suspension.
Where your drivers licence has been suspended for unpaid fines, Motor Vehicle Claims Act, or any of the other types of suspensions, OTT Legal has the experience to not only defend you in court, but to get your drivers licence reinstated through payment plans.
We can help you fix your drivers licence problems.
I had a huge drivers licence problem, finally I had to go get help. OTT was great, the explained what I needed to do, set everything up and I have subsequently gotten my licence back. It was a huge burden off my back. If you have this type of problem go see these people. They are honest and straight forward and will fix your problem.
Matthew Johnson, Toronto